Ralph has been interested in space and astronomy since childhood and is passionate about promoting the work of the many professional astronomy organisations and researchers.
Jen Millard
Jen is our earthling zookeeper, keeping Damien and John in check when Ralph and Paul are busy planning the next invasion. Jen has had a fascination with the night sky for as long as she can ever since a glimpse through an ageing Newtonian scope at the Moon.
Paul Hill
Paul has been astrono-minising since he first looked through a scope at Halley’s Comet. He is a dedicated visual observer and sketcher, never happier than when he is using a planisphere, a book of star charts and a 30 year old Philip’s Moon Map to navigate with.
John Wildridge
Earth slave John is responsible for the sound & engineering on Awesome Astronomy. He also provides excellent observing sessions before, during and after recording sessions with his Dobsonian scope “Bob”..
Damien Phillips
Earth slave Damien has been fascinated by the universe since early childhood and is currently enjoying the challenge of observing and imaging from heavily light polluted London, where he lives with his wife and son