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What to look out, and up, for in September.
Our highlights of this month’s skies with the planet on offer to observers and imagers:
- Mercury & Venus in the late evening or early morning
- Mars & Saturn – with a nice conjunction with the Moon and star Antares
- Neptune & Uranus on offer in Aquarius & Pisces
- The largest asteroid, Vesta, will be passing through the constellation Gemini into Cancer this month and asteroid 2 Pallas can still be found in the constellation Equuelus.
Next up is the meteor showers and, following the magnificent Persieds last month, September has:
- The Alpha Aurigids peaking on 1st September
- The Epsilon Persieds peaking on 9th September
Then we each take a deep sky pick from our list of favourites for this time of year:
- Ralph – The Owl Custer in Cassiopeia
- Paul – globular cluster, Messier 2 in Aquarius
- Jeni – The Andromeda Galaxy in the constellation Andromeda
And we finish this sky guide with September’s moon phases.
Happy hunting and clear skies!