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What to look out, and up, for in March.
We start a new look (listen?) sky guide this month.
We begin the show with a discussion around the highlights to observe this May:
- The Transit of Mercury on 9th May
- International Astronomy Day on 14th May
- Mars at opposition on 22nd May
- Three meteor shower peaks, Eta Aquariids (6th), Eta Lyrids (8th) & Camelopardalids (24th)
Next we each suggest and help you find a deep sky favourite to observe in May:
- Ralph – M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy
- Paul – M3 Globular cluster in Canes Venatici
- Jeni – M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
Finally we round up the moon phases and a couple of nice planetary and lunar conjunctions.